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New Strategic Plan Emphasizes Effective Regulation, Professional Standards

Posted on July 3, 2017
New Strategic Plan Emphasizes Effective Regulation, Professional Standards

APEGBC has released a new strategic plan for 2017–2020. The plan provides direction and focus to the organization’s activities over a three-year period from July 2017 to June 2020. The goals, outcomes, and strategies set by the plan will determine the priorities for APEGBC’s programs and activities, and provide guidance for Council, committees, branches, divisions, task forces, boards and staff.

The 2017–2020 Strategic Plan aligns closely with the Engineers and Geoscientists Act and our legislated responsibility to the public interest. It emphasizes the association’s regulatory function, as well as our role in providing guidance and support to members as they practice to high standards that keep British Columbians safe.

For APEGBC to perform its role effectively, we needs to demonstrate our commitment to upholding the standards of a strong, credible regulator. The new strategic plan defines clear outcomes APEGBC is looking to achieve towards this goal, and attaches them to specific strategies and key progress indicators that provide measurables for the plan.

View the 2017-2020 Strategic Plan.